









No artificial additives or harmful chemicals

Safe for infants children pregnant and breast feeding mothers






Biomor ® liquid formulas work at cellular level

The tachyonic particles contained in them are very powerful travelling faster than the speed of light thought the cell walls to allow alleviation of symptoms

The liquid formulas are processed by a unique patented process which puts a frequency (a charge if you like) into the liquid formula to make it absorb into the cells and work very quickly and effectively– often within minutes

The dose can be given orally or may be rubbed on the skin near to a blood vessel for best absorption

Each one has an original blend of natural plant or mineral substances– although at the end of the manufacture no actual particles of original ingredients can be detected by usual laboratory methods– it is the electrical signal from the formula which corrects the cellular metabolism of the human consumer

All remedies should be used as directed together with other Nutrient formulas as the liquid remedies are used to supplement the effect of the Nutrient formulas for best results

For instance in the case of strengthening the body against lung infections the ECOLOGY MEDICINE ® RESPIRATORY formula should be used in conjunction with the liquid formula as these nutrient formulas will the assist the white cell count

In the case of GOUT the kidneys need support to stop producing uric acid so ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX ® C and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine should be used in conjunction with the liquid formula

These formulas are completely safe without side effects as their action is to correct the cells to original harmonic state and thus good health!
















































BIOMOR ®VIRUS- RRV Ross River Virus





6 handy 10ml sizes comprising 1 of each of the following NB See individual remedies for full description in product list below


Dosage Adult 4 puffs 1-3 Times daily. Child 12 - 16 years 3-4 puffs 1-6 times/daily. Child 6 - 12 years 3 puffs 1-3 times/daily. Child 2 - 6 years 2 puffs 1-3 times/daily Baby 0-2 years 1 puff 1-3 times/daily

Earache & drainage

Dosage Adult 4 puffs 1-3 Times daily. Child 12 - 16 years 3-4 puffs 1-6 times/daily. Child 6 - 12 years 3 puffs 1-6 times/daily. Child 2 - 6 years 2 puffs 1-6 times/daily Baby 0-2 years 1 puff 1-6 times/daily

Gas & Bloating

Dosage Adult 4 puffs 1-3 Times daily. Child 12 - 16 years 3-4 puffs 1-3 times/daily. Child 6 - 12 years 3 puffs 1-3 times/daily. Child 2 - 6 years 2 puffs 1-3 times/daily Baby 0-2 years 1 puff 1-3 times/daily

Sore Throat

Dosage Adult 4 puffs 1-3 Times daily. Child 12 - 16 years 3-4 puffs 1-3 times/daily. Child 6 - 12 years 3 puffs 1-3 times/daily. Child 2 - 6 years 2 puffs 1-3 times/daily Baby 0-2 years 1 puff 1-3 times/daily


Dosage Adult 4 puffs 1-3 Times daily. Child 12 - 16 years 3-4 puffs 1-3 times/daily. Child 6 - 12 years 3 puffs 1-3 times/daily. Child 2 - 6 years 2 puffs 1-3 times/daily Baby 0-2 years 1 puff 1-3 times/daily


Dosage Adult 4 puffs 1-3 Times daily. Child 12 - 16 years 3-4 puffs 1-6 times/daily. Child 6 - 12 years 3 puffs 1-6 times/daily. Child 2 - 6 years 2 puffs 1-6 times/daily Baby 0-2 years 1 puff 1-6 times/daily



These should be combined with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C or RESPIRATORY FORMULA taken to " gut " tolerance to enable the immune response

Should joint aches be present include ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine

Include ECOLOGY MEDICINE SPIRULINA to assist oxygenation (thus creating an environment which Anaerobic bacterie do not flourish) and iron and B 12 levels




Contains Harmonic frequency of St Johns Wort

Adult oral dosage: 5-15 drops 4-6 times a day

Children - 0-2 yrs – 1 drop daily: 2-6 yrs 4 drops; 6-12 yrs- 6 drps; 12-16 yrs- 8 drps when required upto 6 times a day

Anxiety may be due to emotional stress overload and/or environmental exposure eg some Insecticides which cause central nervous system hyperactivity of the Nervous system

Best results when used in conjunction with per Adult dose- Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C tablets 2-4 daily (production of Hormones and Immune Support) and AMINO ACIDS 1-3 daily (improve Serotonin production to relax) 

Ecology Medicine Spirulina 2-6 capsules (For B 12 when Panic or extreme Anxiety attack occurs) Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 ( Protect and regulate Heart rate)



Contains approx 40-80 adult dosages

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily

Contains : Harmonic frequency of Ignatia Ferrum phosphoricum Sepia

Used for To assist bladder tone Can be used in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 2-4 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with born and carnitine 2-4 daily and Ecology Medicine SPIRULINA 2 daily

Adult oral dosage: 5-10 drops daily



For use in Candida Albicans infections ( commonly known as thrush)

Contains :

Harmonic frequency of Candida Albicans

Adult dosage: 1 drop weekly or fortnightly until symptoms subside Usual dosage is 2-4 doses Children dosage: all ages 1 drop weekly or fortnightly until symptoms subside

Usual dosage is 2-4 doses

Used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE  ANTIOX C 1-4 daily ( Adult dose)

( reduce if loose stools occur). This contains PROBIOTICS



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3-6 times/dy daily during acute phase

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily

Contains Harmonic frequency of : Naja trip Grindelia rob Used for Temporary relief of Ischaemic pain

Should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily Ecology Medicine SPIRULINA 2-4 daily

Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3-6 times/dy daily during acute phase May be taken regularly 3 1-3 times daily

Warning : If chest pain persist consult your doctor



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Contains: Harmonic frequency of Aesculus hipp Cuprum met Hamamelis virginica

Used for

Poor circulation– “feeling the cold” Blue discolouration of the skin Poor pulses of the extremities

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily

Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3-6 times/dy daily during acute phase


BIOMOR ®   CYST  20ml

Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily

Used for

Drainage of fluid collections Cysts Bursas

Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3-6 times/dy daily during acute phase Children - 0-2 yrs – 1 drop daily: 2-6 yrs 4 drops; 6-12 yrs- 6 drps; 12-16


Introducing BIOMOR ® -DIARRHOEA 20 ml liquid

Contains approx 40 adult dosages so can be used for the whole family Directions for use: This remedy should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ® ANTIOX ® C tablets (2-4 daily adults)

Contains: Harmonic frequency of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis ACUTE INFECTION Adult oral dosage: 10 drops daily till symptoms stop. Children - 0-2 yrs – 1 drop daily: 2-6 yrs 4 drops; 6-12 yrs- 6 drps; 12-16 yrs- 8 drps once only

Usual time for healing is 1-3 days. If symptoms reoccur- Repeat the treat- ment again PREVENTION Adult oral dosage: 10 drops once only

Children - 0-2 yrs – 1 drop daily: 2-6 yrs 4 drops; 6-12 yrs- 6 drps; 12-16 yrs- 8 drps once only

Information about Salmonella infection Salmonellosis (gastroenteritis) characterized by vomiting and diarrhoea is the most common disease caused by the organisms. Abdominal cramping also may occur. Salmonellosis thus produces the symptoms that are com- monly referred to as food poisoning. Although food poisoning is usually a mild disease, it can lead to dehydration. The diarrhoea from this infection is often offensive and yellow in colour. Salmonella is often found in con- taminated meat- chicken which has not been kept cold enough .

Should be used in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C tabs- 1-4 daily ( Adult dose) Start with 1 and increase to regulate the bowel

and Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 1-2 daily (Adult dose- for Electrolytes)


Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Contains Harmonic frequency of :

Ammonium carbonicum , Camphora , Carbo cavella, Tabacum , Veratrum album

vegetabilis , Crotalus cas-

Used for Acute circulatory disturbances, circulatory shock, cardiogenic shock following cardiac failure, circulatory disturbances following infectious diseases and injuries. Chronic circulatory disturbances with tendency to syncope, vertigo and sensation of imbalance.

Adult dosage: 15 drops 3-6 times daily



To be taken orally or rubbed on the outer throat region under the ear but not inside the ear for relief of ear ache and for drainage of blocked ear canal

May be taken in conjunction with antibiotics Best in conjunction with Ecology Medicine RESPIRATORY FORMULA 1-6 daily (Adult dose)

An essential formula to be taken on AIR FLIGHTS to assist relieving inner ear pain due to changes in air pressure

Contains Harmonic frequency of Apis mellifica Aureum metallicum Bryonia Echinacea augustifilia Ferrum phosphori- cum Baptisia

Take until alleviation of symptoms occurs– may be repeated occasionall y as necessary

Adults: Dose– 15 drops 3 times daily Infants: 0-2 years2 drops daily Children: 2-6 years of age 3-6 drops 3 times daily Children 7-12 years of age- 7-10 drops 3 times daily Children 13-16 years of age– 10-15 drops 3 times daily


BIOMOR ® EYE DROPS    20ml Liquid

These eye drops are designed to alleviate symptoms of sore. Dry sticky, red, allergic, itchy and irritated eyes

Contains Harmonic frequency of :

Staphylococcus Unleaded fuel Riboflavin Selenium Boron

Olive Leaf extract Thyroid extract NaCl

Dosage Adults: 1-4 drops daily in the affected eye Children : usually 1 –1 drops daily in the affected eye



BIOMOR ® GAS & BLOATING 20ml liquid

Contains approx 40 adult dosages so can be used for the whole family Treats symptoms of Abdominal distension with excessive gas, bloating and diarrhoea Directions for use: This remedy should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C tabs (2-4 daily adults) ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine caps 2/dy ACUTE INFECTION Adult oral dosage: 10 drops second daily till symptoms stop. Usual time for healing is 6-12 days. If symptoms reoccur- Repeat the treatment again Children: Infants 0-2yrs: 1-2 drops second daily; 2-6 yrs: 5 drps second daily; 7-12yrs: 8 drps second daily; 13-16yrs: 10 drps second daily PREVENTION Adult oral dosage:10 drps once only once a month if living in a prone area Children - as per above dosages– take once only Information on Giardiasis infection Giardia; is often known Traveler's diarrhoea - giardiasis Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine caused by a microscopic organism (protozoa), Giardia lamblia. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Giardiasis outbreaks can occur in communities in both developed and developing countries where water supplies become contaminated with raw sewage. It can be contracted by drinking water from lakes or streams where water- dwelling animals such as beavers and muskrats, or domestic animals such as sheep, have caused contamination. It is also spread by direct person to- person contact, which has caused outbreaks in institutions such as day care centres. Travelers are at risk for giardiasis throughout the world. Campers and hikers are at risk if they drink untreated water from streams and lakes. Other risk factors include: -Exposure to a family member with giardiasis Institutional (day care or nursing home) exposure Unprotected anal sex

Symptoms Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, Gas ,bloating, headache, loss of petite, low grade fever, swollen or distended abdomen, vomiting .


BIOMOR FLUID RETENSION  50ml    40-80 Adult doses

Contains Harmonic frequency of  Helonias dioica: Exhaustion, backache, pressure and drawing pains in the kidney area.  Kalium arsenicosum: Chronic nephritis with oedema; heart pathology.  Phosphorus: Weakness, parenchymal degeneration, analysis of urine shows protein and blood and cylindrical casts. Chronic nephritis, almost specific as a kidney remedy.  Plumbum metallicum: Reduced quantity of urine, proteinuria with hypotrophy of kidney.

Dosage 10-15 drops in water three times daily before meals. In the initial phase of therapy repeat more frequently 

Indications:  Albuminuria, proteinuria, nephrosis, chronic nephritis, nephrosclerosis.


BIOMOR ® GOUT 20ml liquid

Contains approx 40 adult dosages Contain Harmonic frequency of Acidum Nitric., Berberis , Lycopodium , Rubia Tinctor. , Sarsaparilla , Lapis Renalis

Directions for use: Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3-6 times/dy daily till symptoms stop.

This remedy should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C tabs (2-4 daily adults) ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine caps 2/dy

For symtoms of Renal Calculi such as Pain in kidneys radiating to bladder Reddish or cloudy Urine High Uric acid and Crystal formation on joints causing "Gout" or Gout like symptoms Information on Gout Gout is a kind of arthritis. It can cause an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, usually a big toe. These attacks can happen over and over unless gout is treated. Over time, they can harm your joints, tendons, and other tissues. Gout is most common in men. What causes gout? Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. Most of the time, having too much uric acid is not harmful. Many people with high levels in their blood never get gout. But when uric acid levels in the blood are too high, the uric acid may form hard crystals in your joints. Your chances of getting gout are higher if you are overweight, drink too much alcohol, or eat too much meat and fish that are high in chemicals called purines. Some medicines, such as water pills (diuretics), can also bring on gout. What are the symptoms? The most common sign of gout is a night time attack of swelling, tender- ness, redness, and sharp pain in your big toe. You can also get gout at- tacks in your foot, ankle, or knees. The attacks can last a few days or many weeks before the pain goes away. The buildup of uric acid that led to your gout attack can still harm your joints. How is gout diagnosed? Your doctor may also take a sample of fluid from your joint to look for uric acid crystals. This is the best way to test for gout. Your doctor may also do a blood test to measure the amount of uric acid in your blood. Sometimes even though symptoms persist Uric acid levels may be normal– even if gout is suspected it may be useful to use BIOMOR ® GOUT Remedy as related symptoms are often reduced



Contains approx 300 doses

Contains :

Harmonic frequency of Carduus Marianus Sulfur Thallium aceticum Carbo vegetabilis

Recommend use in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ZINC 1-2 daily EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 2000mg daily



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Used for Haemorrhoids

Contains Harmonic frequency of Aesculus Belladonna Calcium fluoratum Car- duus marianus Hamamelis Mezereum Placenta Secale Vipera berus

Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3-6 times/dy daily during acute phase

NB Constipation aggravates Haemorrhoids Therefore to regulate the bowel Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C should be taken 1-6 times daily ("Gut" tolerance)



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily and EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 1000mg 2 daily

Used to assist control of heavy menstrual bleeding

Adult oral dosage: 10-15 drops up to 3 times daily while symptoms persist



Contains approx 40-80 adult dosages

Directions for use: This remedy is best used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C tablets (2-4 daily adults) and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine Caps for maintenance of CARDIOVASCULAR health

Contains: Harmonic frequency of: Colchicum Natrium sulpuricum Naja tripudians

Treats the following symptoms by energising the heart : Weak heart Heavy feeling in the heart Irregular pulse

Adult dosage : 5 –10 drops daily while symptoms persist Children: Infants 0-2yrs: 1 drops daily; 2-6 yrs: 2 drps daily; 7-12yrs: 3 drps daily; 13-16yrs: 4 drps daily

Warning: If symptoms persist consult your doctor



Contains approx 300 doses

Contains : Harmonic frequency of Potassium Iodate

Recommend to combine use of COFACTORS of THYROID Hormone production- ie Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 3-4 daily Ecology Medicine TYROSINE powder 1/2to1 teaspn daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily

Adult dosage: 3-5 drops daily

Cease if Hyperactive



Contains approx 100-400 doses

Contains : Harmonic frequency of  Lithium orotate

Recommend use in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 3-4 daily Ecology Medicine AMINO ACID 2 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily

Adult dosage: 5-20 drops daily




BIOMOR ® LYMPH 20ml liquid

Contains approx 40 adult dosages so can be used for the whole family Treats symptoms of Abdominal distension with excessive gas, bloating and diarrhoea Directions for use: This remedy should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C tabs (2-4 daily adults) ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine caps 2/dy

Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3 times/day till symptoms stop. Children - 0-2 yrs – 1 drop daily: 2-6 yrs 4 drops; 6-12 yrs- 6 drps; 12-16 yrs- 8 drps once only

Contains Harmonic frequency of Apis mellifica Belladonna Calcarea sulphurica Conium maculatum Echinacea augustifolia Hapar sulphuris calcereum Kali iodatum Lachesis mutus Uses

Symptoms: Swollen lymph glands Infections which can cause swelling of the lymph glands due to overload of toxins. Such infections include glandular fever dengi fever and malaria

Lymphatic obstruction Lymphedema Lymphatic obstruction is a blockage of the lymph vessels that drain fluid from tissues throughout the body and allow immune cells to travel where they are needed. Lymphatic obstruction may cause lymphedema, which means swelling due to a blockage of the lymph passages.persistent (chronic) swelling, usually of the arm or leg. It is often helpful to wear compression stockings on the affected area

Lymplex is also very useful for people with cellulitis, poor circulation and those who have had the spleen removed



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3-6 times/dy daily during acute phase

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily and AMINO ACID FORMULA 2-3 daily and Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 1-2 daily

Used for To assist circulatory disturbances of the brain & cerebral function Aid clarity of thought Lassitude of thought School children– dreamy indifference Weakness of thought

Contains  Harmonic frequency of Anacardium Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Gelsemium, Kalium phosphoricum, Lycopodium, Sepia

Adult Dosage 10-15 drops usually 1-3 times daily



Contains Harmonic frequency of 13 Mixed Mould varieties

Symptoms of Mould sensitivity include Blocked nasal passages and Polyp formation Furry taste on tongue Feeling the cold

Adult Dosage 15 drops daily Usual Course 8 doses



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-6 daily and SPIRULINA 2-6 daily Maximum dose for sever pain

Used for : Migraine, nervous headaches, neuralgia of the head, indisposition due to continuous headaches frequently resulting from an insignificant chill.

Dosage 10 drops 1-6 times daily Contains Harmonic frequency of Cimicifuga Gelsemium Sanguinaria


Cimicifuga: Neuralgia as reflex symptom of ovarian disorders. Supraor- bital pains, sensation of heat at top of head.

Gelsemium: Cerebral congestion, feeling of prostration, aversion to light, pain just above eyes.

Iris: Periodic migraine, intense headaches causing occasionally tempo- rary blindness. Vomiting during severe headache.

Sanguinaria: Nervous irritability, headaches, alternating heat and shiver- ing, intolerance to noise and light. Improvement on lying down.     Uni- lateral headache, rising and decreasing with the sun. Reference to the heart.



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Contains Harmonic frequency of Streptococcus pneumoniae (S.pneumoniae) bacterium, also known as pneumococcus

Best in conjunction with Ecology Medicine RESPIRATORY FORMULA and Ecology Medicine SPIRULINA 2 daily for Prevention Upto 6 daily of both during active phase of any infection Contains: Harmonic frequency of Pneumonococcinum

Used for Prevention and treatment of Pneumonia

Adult oral dosage: Prevention 2 drops daily during acute phase Active phase upto 10 drops daily when required - upto 4 or 8 doses Children of all ages upto 12 years One drop only per dose-prevention and active phase May be taken orally , mixed with water or juice or rubbed on inner wrist May be taken orally NEAT or mixed with water or juice.


BIOMOR ® POLYP    20ml

Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily or RESPIRATORY FORMULA for nasal polyps and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily

Contains Harmonic frequency of Antiomonium Crudum Calcarea carnica Causticum Nitricum acidum Sabina Staphysagria Thuja occidentials

Used for Polyps Adult oral dosage: 10 drops 3-6 times/dy daily during acute phase



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Best in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 2-4 daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 3–4 daily

To assist control symptoms of enlarged prostate: Sharp pains when urinating. Pain in groin Frequent urge to urinate at night Pains running from the bladder down to the extremity of urethra & bladder Pain from the kidneys down to the thighs

Orchitis Paralytic Asthenia, weak urinary system Intermittent urination, interruption to flow

Contains Harmonic frequency of Chimaphila umbellate, Clematis, Conium. Ferrum picrinicum, Pareira brava, Populus tremul, Sabal serr, Pulsatilla

Adult oral dosage: 10-15 drops upto 3 to 6 times daily while symptoms persist

Seek medical advice if symptoms persist



50mls Contains 40-80 Adult doses

Contains  Harmonic frequency of Berberis vulgaris  Pareira brava Sarsaparilla Solidago virgaurea Terebinthina and Uva ursi

Indications: Used for kidney and gall bladder stones Colic-like pains, especially about navel.
Pain in region about three inches to side of navel, corresponding to a place in front of kidneys, and rather to sides, mostly sticking, often extending to lumbar region or to groins, liver, spleen, or stomach.
Burning /shooting pain in or under skin of abdomen or epigastrium, particularly left side, increased by inspiration, motion, or touching, attended with short breath and distension of abdomen.
Biliary colic, followed by jaundice  Whirling in stomach and abdomen.

Dosage: 15 drops 3-6 times daily dependent on symptoms

Should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY  MEDICINE RESPIRATORY FORMULA 4-6 tablets daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE  SPIRULINA 2-4 capsules daily with food


BIOMOR ® RHINOPLEX 20 ml liquid

Adult oral Dosage: 5 drops daily Childrens dosage: Infants 0-2 yrs: 1 drop daily; 2-6 yrs: 2 drops daily; 7- 12 yrs : 3 drops; 13-16 yrs:4 drops daily

Combine use with Ecology Medicine RESPIRATORY FORMULA 2-6 daily adult dose Uses: Treats symptoms of nasal and lung congestion due to various causes such as infection, allergy and also secondary to heart failure where fluid may accumulate on the lung

This remedy is also helpful in strengthening the respiratory tract– beneficial for asthmatics



Contains approx 40 adult dosages so can be used for the whole family Directions for use: This remedy should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C tablets (2-4 daily adults) Treats the following symptoms caused by such organisms as Streptococcus and other viral infections. Treats symptoms including : sore throat, cough and laryngitis

Contains : Harmonic frequency of Streptococcus Adult Oral Dosage: 10 drops second daily while symptoms persist Children: Infants 0-2yrs: 1-2 drops second daily; 2-6 yrs: 5 drps second daily; 7-12yrs: 8 drps second daily; 13-16yrs: 10 drps second daily Should be taken in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE Respiratory Formula tablets to assist white cell formation: 2-4 daily. The dose can be repeated later on the same day if symptoms return

Information about streptococcus infections What causes strep throat? Strep throat is caused by streptococcal (strep) bacteria. There are many different types of strep bacteria.

What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms of strep throat are: A sudden, severe sore throat.  Pain when you swallow. Fever over 101 F. Swollen tonsils and lymph nodes

White or yellow spots on the back of a bright red throat. You may also have a headache and belly pain. Less common symptoms are a red skin rash, vomiting ( if severe) not feeling hungry, and body aches.

Strep throat can be passed from person to person. When a sneezes, tiny droplets with person who has strep throat breathes, coughs, or the strep bacteria go into the air. These droplets can be breathed in by other people. If you come into contact with strep, it usually takes 2 to 5 days before you start to have symptoms.

Adult dosage: 5-15 drops daily



BIOMOR ® STAPH (Staphylococcus) 20 ml liquid

-contains approx 40 adult dosages so can be used for the whole family Directions for use: This remedy should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C tablets (2-6 daily adults) or RESPIRATORY FORMULA (2-6 daily adults)

Treats the following symptoms caused by such organisms as : coughing up yellow/green sputum ; sores or ulcers which have puss; conjuncivitis Adult Oral Dosage: 10 drops second daily while symptoms persist Children: Infants 0-2yrs: 1-2 drops second daily; 2-6 yrs: 5 drps second daily; 7-12yrs: 8 drps second daily; 13-16yrs: 10 drps second daily

The dose for STAPH can be repeated later on the same day if symptoms return then second daily

Information about Staphylococcus infections Staph is short for Staphylococcus, a type of bacteria. There are over 30 types, but Staphylococcus aureus causes most staph infections including

Skin infections  Pneumonia Food poisoning  Toxic shock syndrome Blood poisoning (bacteremia) Skin infections are the most common. They can look like pimples or boils. They may be red, swollen and painful, and sometimes have pus or other drainage. They can turn into impetigo, which turns into a crust on the skin, or cellulitis, a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot. Anyone can get a staph skin infection. You are more likely to get one if you have a cut or scratch, or have contact with a person or surface that has staph bacteria. The best way to prevent staph is to keep hands and wounds clean. In the tropics flies can carry staph infection and infect wounds so it is important to keep any sored s covered during the day to stop insects infesting sores further Some staph bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics, making infections harder to treat. If Staph remedy is used at first signs of infection it can prevent the infection. However, Antibiotics can be taken in conjunction with Staph remedy if required



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Contains Harmonic frequency of Cocculus Ipecacuanha Aethusa cynapium Tabacum Calc carb

Used for Sensitivity and spasm of the abdominal muscles, vomiting . Nausea

Should be taken in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C tablets Adult dose : 1-4 daily with food Travel: Take 10-15 drops prior to the journey. Should symptoms occur re- peat dosage of 15 drops upto 4 times daily

Adult dosage: 15 drops 3-6 times daily prior to food Children: Infants 0-2yrs: 1-2 drops second daily; 2-6 yrs: 5 drps second daily; 7-12yrs: 8 drps second daily; 13-16yrs: 10 drps second daily

Used in conjunction with Ecology Medicine MEDICINE  ANTIOX C 1-4 daily (reduce if loose stools occur)


WET LUNG  20mls  Contains upto 40 Adult doses

Contains Harmonic Frequency of Tuberculinum

Indications: This remedy is used to assist symptoms  and prevent return of symptoms of  tuberculosis.  This may include Moist “wet” lung with moist cough especially evident in the early morning though not limited to early morning ; aching joints if infiltration is into the joints


Dosage: Initial dose 10 drops every second day for 8 doses ie over 16 days  Repeat as necessary  every day or so if symptoms return Should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY  MEDICINE RESPIRATORY FORMULA 4-6 tablets daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE  SPIRULINA 2-4 capsules daily with food


BIOMOR ® WORM Formula 20ml Liquid

Contains approx 40 adult doses

This amazing formula is able to treat an active phase of worm infestation as well as a preventative formula This remedy should be used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C tablets (2-4 daily adults) and SPIRULINA 3 daily

Symptoms of worms include Anal itching generalized aching in the lower abdomen excessive wind

Excessive hunger .may be a sign you have intestinal parasites

It is good practice to use this formula every 3 months in tropical regions for 8 doses each course in order to prevent parasites

This formula is effective for Pinworm and Round worm

Contains: Harmonic frequency of Artemisia vulgaris Filix mas Graphites Mercurius sublimate Tanacetum vulgare

Adults: Dose– 15 drops 3 times daily for 1-7 days Infants: 0-2 years 2 drops daily Children: 2-6 years of age 3-6 drops 3 times daily for 1-7 days Children 7-12 years of age- 7-10 drops 3 times daily for 1-7 days Children 13-16 years of age– 10-15 drops 3 times daily for 1-7 days

Prevention Take as above 1-6 weeks after initial treatment





Contains approx 40-80 adult dosages

Contains Harmonic frequency of : Ross River Virus

Used for Symptoms of RRV Rash The rash consists of small red spots, often slightly raised. Sometimes it may look purplish or like bruises or small blisters similar to chicken pox. The rash rarely itches, however, the skin may be sensitive to touch. General : fever, chills and high temperature, severe headache and irritation by strong light. Rheumatic symptoms (such as pain, tenderness, stiffness in and around the joints and in the muscles, and difficulty moving)

Adult dosage: 15 drops second daily for 8 doses Prevention: 15 drops monthly for 12 months after treatment and 15 drops STAT dose only when symptoms reappear

Used in conjunction with Ecology Medicine AMINO ACID formula 1-2 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMIENRAL with boron and carnitine 1 daily ECOLOGY MEDICINE  ANYTIOX C 4 daily ( reduce if loose stools occur)

ECOLOGY MEDICINE Spirulina 3 daily Take these with food



Contains approx 20-40 adult dosages

Contains Harmonic frequency of Croton tiglium Mezereum Natrium chlorat Rhus

Used for : Herpes Zoster rash and inflammation

Adult dosage: 15 drops 3-6 times daily . During acute phase may be taken 10 –15 drops every 15 minutes

Used in conjunction with Ecology Medicine Amino acid formula 1-2 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 1 daily Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 4 daily ( reduce if loose stools occur)



Contains Harmonic frequency of : Epstein Barr Used for glandular fever ( infectious mononucleosus)

Symptoms of glandular fever include: fever, sore throat, swollen glands, particularly enlarged lymph nodes and feeling tired.

In some cases extreme fatigue may not be accompanied by other symptoms

Diagnosis is difficult as only some times it can be demonstrated by  blood test. Adult dosage: 15 drops second daily for 8 doses

Prevention: 15 drops STAT dose only

Used in conjunction with Ecology Medicine AMINO ACID 1-2 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 1 daily ECOLOGY MEDICINE  ANTIOX C 4-6  daily (reduce if loose stools occur)

ECOLOGY MEDICINE Spirulina 3 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 2-4 daily


BIOMOR ® DETOX ASBESTOS 20ml  Contains upto 400 adult doses

Contains harmonic frequency of Crocodolite (blue asbestos)

Used for symptoms of Asbestosis (Mesothelioma)  which may include  shortness of breath, tightness in your chest, persistent dry cough, chest pain appetite loss, finger clubbing (enlarged fingertips)
Should be given in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE Respiratory Formula 4-6 tablets daily during active treatment  ECOLOGY MEDICINE Spirulina 4 caps daily. ECOLOGY MEDICINE Multimineral with boron and carnitine   2 caps 2 times daily - especially if Cardiac symptoms present Then continue to take   ECOLOGY MEDICINES regularly to Maintain Lung health

Dosage:  Active Symptoms: 1 drop per dose Usual course  8 doses  Take 1 drop every 2nd or third day

May be given as prevention measure if exposure to Asbestos has occurred t dose of 1 drop  : 2 doses

DETOX RANGE BIOMOR® DIESEL   20ml  Contains upto 400 adult doses
Contains harmonic frequency of DIESEL
Used for symptoms of exposure/ toxicity to Diesel exhaust fumes which may include irritation of the eyes, throat, and lungs. It can cause light-headedness, feeling "high," headache, heartburn, weakness,
numbness, tingling extremities, chest tightness, wheezing, coughing, nausea, and vomiting.

Should be given in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE Respiratory Formula 4-6 tablets daily during active treatment  ECOLOGY MEDICINE Spirulina 4 caps daily. ECOLOGY MEDICINE Multimineral with boron and carnitine   2 caps 2 times daily - especially if Cardiac symptoms present Then continue to take   ECOLOGY MEDICINES regularly to Maintain Lung health. It can be given in conjunction with” Dizzi” drops 10 drops STAT if this symptom persists

Dosage:  Active Symptoms: 1 drop per dose Usual course  8 doses  Take 1 drop every 2nd or third day
May be given as prevention measure if exposure to Diesel has occurred at dose of 1 drop  : 2 doses




Contains : Harmonic frequency of Lead Aluminium Cadmium Mercury

Recommend use in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 3-6 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine  3–4 daily  Ecology Medicine SPIRULINA 2 daily Ecology Medicine AMINO ACID 1-2 daily

Adult dosage: 1 drop weekly or fortnightly until symptoms subside Usual dosage is 2-4 doses Children dosage: all ages 1 drop weekly or fortnightly until symptoms subside

Usual dosage is 2-4 doses

Symptoms of heavy metal poisoning Depression Loss of cognitive function Memory loss

Lack of concentration Inability to learn new tasks Mental lassitiude Especially in children but sometimes adults: “Figitiness” Inability to sit still Persistent headaches



BIOMOR ® DETOX– PREMETHRIN Dosage 1 drop per dose Usual course 4 doses of 1 drop over 10 days

Use in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 3-6 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine  3–4 daily  Ecology Medicine SPIRULINA 2 daily Ecology Medicine AMINO ACID 1-2 daily



Use in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 3-6 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine  3–4 daily  Ecology Medicine SPIRULINA 2 daily Ecology Medicine AMINO ACID 1-2 daily



Contains approx. 1000 doses

Contains : Harmonic frequency of Ascorbic Acid Selenium Thyroid Extract

Recommend use in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 3-4 daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine  3–4 daily     ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL WITH BORON AND CARNITINE   1 daily SPIRULINA 2 daily

Adult Dosage: 5 drops daily   till symptoms subside

Used for Protection against EMR ( Electro magnetic radiation) To protect against non– iodising and iodising radiation

Eg Non—iodising. Mobile phone tower fields disturb sleep patterns Eg. Ionising radiation. May be taken to regulate thyroid function during Xrays, radiation therapy and exposure to radiation of any kind

May be used for those who have had sensitivity to radio-opaque Iodine


Use in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 3-6 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine  3–4 daily  Ecology Medicine SPIRULINA 2 daily Ecology Medicine AMINO ACID 1-2 daily



Use in conjunction with Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 3-6 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine  3–4 daily  Ecology Medicine SPIRULINA 2 daily Ecology Medicine AMINO ACID 1-2 daily




Contains approx. 1000 doses

Contains : Harmonic frequency of Sulphur Dioxide



3–4 daily

Adult Dosage: 5-10 drops daily Usual dosage is 2-4 doses Children dosage: all ages 1 drop weekly or fortnightly until symptoms subside Usual dosage is 2-4 doses

Used for Sulphur DETOX

Signs of sulphur sensitivity:

Skin irritation and itching, excema Allergy to wine– constriction of the airways, sneezing, itching of the nose Headaches Itchy eyes

Used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE  Amino acid formula 1-2 daily ECOLOGY MEDICINE   ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine   1 daily ECOLOGY MEDICINE  ANYTIOX C 4 daily ( reduce if loose stools occur)

ECOLOGY MEDICINE Spirulina 3 daily ECOLOGY MEDICINE ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine  4 daily . Take these with food





Contains : Harmonic frequency of Sulphur Dioxide

Recommend use in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE ANTIOX C 3-4 daily and ECOLOGY MEDICINE MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine  3–4 daily   SPIRULINA 2 daily

Adult Dosage: 1 drop weekly till symptoms subside Used for Sulphur DETOX

Signs of sensitivity are due to the Gases found in unleaded fuel are neurotoxins The main signs of toxicity include:

Dizziness Over excitement, Incoordination Drowsiness

For further information please go to http://www.hpa.org.uk/webc/HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1194947397385

Used in conjunction with ECOLOGY MEDICINE  Amino acid formula 1-2 daily Ecology Medicine MULTIMINERAL with boron and carnitine 1 daily Ecology Medicine ANTIOX C 4 daily ( reduce if loose stools occur)

ECOLOGY MEDICINE Spirulina 3 daily Take these with food



Prevention Adult dosage

Respiratory Formula 2 tabs daily with food

DIARRHOEA 10 drops STAT (once only)

SORE THROAT 10 drops STAT (once only)

Childrens dosage for DIARRHOEA and/or SORE THROAT

Age- 0-2 yrs : 1-3 drops daily dermally or orally; 2-6 yrs: 3-5drps daily ;

7-12 yrs: 6-8 drops; 13-16 yrs : 8 drps; 17yrs and over: 10 drps 1-3 times daily

Respiratory Formula Tablets Childrens Dosage

Age- 0-2 yrs : 1/8 tablet cruched with food or juice daily ; 2-6 yrs: 1/4 tablet daily ;

7-12 yrs: 1/2 tablet daily; 13-16 yrs : 1 tablet daily ; 7yrs and over: 1-2 tablet daily

NB The dosage of Respiratory formula may be repeated upto 3 times daily if persistent cough is present

Treatment Adult dosage

Respiratory Formula 2 tabs upto 3 times ( 6 total) daily with food

DIARRHOEA 10 drops 1-3 times daily (take after loose stool occurs)

SORE THROAT 10 drops 1-3 times daily

Childrens dosage for DIARRHOEA and/or SORE THROAT

Age- 0-2 yrs : 1-3 drops daily dermally or orally; 2-6 yrs: 3-5drps daily ;

7-12 yrs: 6-8 drops; 13-16 yrs : 8 drps; 17yrs and over: 10 drps 1-3 times daily






For the prevention of Vitamin B5 deficiencies. Beneficial during times of stress.
Calcium pantothenate (Vitamin B5)
One capsule daily with food in the morning or as directed by health practitioner. Does not contain added sugar, lactose, starch gluten, yeast or salt or artificial colourings flavourings and preservatives.
Must be taken in the morning as it result it gradual increase in energy. Reduce usage as adrenaline stores increase to normal levels. Store below 30 degrees Celcius and in a dry place. Keep out of reach of children.




May be used to supplement Amino Acids in times of stress depression sleeplessness and brain fag.


L. Alanine, L. Arginine, L. Aspartic acid, L. Carnitine, L.Glutamine, Glycine, L. Histidine, L. Isoleucine, Leucine, L. Lysine, L. Methionine, L. Ornithine, L. Phenylananine, L. Proline, L. Serine, Taurine, L. Threonine, L Tryptophan, L Tyrosine, L Valine.


One capsule in the morning with food. May have extra 1-2 in evening.


Refrigerate after opening. Store below 25C.





Free radical scavenger
Supports healthy immune function
Assists against oxidation stress
Helps maintain healthy digestion

Ascorbic acid, calcium citrate, magnesium aspartate, zinc amino acid chelate, selenomethionine, boric acid, aspartic acid, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus brevis, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus delbrueckii spp bulgaricus, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus rhamnosus, lactobacillus salivarius, bifodobacterium bifidum.
Recommend 1-2 tablets at a time with food. Most commonly required daily. Adult dose 3-6 tablets.
Do not exceed 10 tablets daily. Contains selenium which is toxic in high doses. A daily adult dose of 150 g of selenium should not be exceeded. Contains zinc which may be dangerous if taken in large amounts or for a long period. Vitamins can not replace an adequate diet. Does not contain any added artificial flavours, colours, preservatives, gluten, lactose or sugars.




5 in 1 Mineral supplement



Aids in prevention of muscle cramps spasms and osteoporosis. May help to support normal blood pressure in healthy individuals.
Zinc ascorbate, selenomethionine, calcium orotate, calcium citrate, magnesium orotate, magnesium aspartate, boric acid, acetyllevocarnitine hydrochloride, aspartic acid. Does not contain added sugar, lactose, gluten or artificial colours and preservatives.
2-4 capsules daily with food
This product contains selenium which is toxic in high doses. A daily dose for adults of 150 micrograms of selenium should not be exceeded. Contains Zinc which may be dangerous if taken in large amounts or for a long period. Store below 25 degrees Celsius and in a dry place. Vitamins should not replace a balanced diet.



Helps maintain healthy respiratory function. Treats flus and colds.


Ascorbic acid, calcium citrate, magnesium aspartate, zinc oxide, boric acid, aspartic acid, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus brevis, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus delbruekii, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus rhamnosus, lactobacillus salivarius, bifidobacterium bifidum, selenomethionine.


2-6 tablets per day with food.


Not to be used for children under two years of age without medical advice. Vitamins can not replace a balanced diet. Contains selenium which is toxic in high doses. A daily adult dose of 150 micrograms of selenium from dietary supplments should not be exceeded. Contains zinc which may be dangerous if taken in large amounts over a long period. The maximum recommended daily dose of this medicine contains 288micrograms of selenium. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Store below 30 degrees Celsius in a dry place. Not to exceed 6 per day.






Improves energy, oxygenation and endurance. Protein food supplement. Good source of high uptake iron and Vitamin B12.
Spriulina powder
One to three capsules daily with food. Does not contain added sugar, lactose, starch, gluten, yeast, salt or artificial colourings, flavourings or preservatives.
Store under 25 degrees Celsius and in a dry place.



Food supplement and amino acid. L Tyrosine is one of the nutrients required for the body to form Thyroxine, a thyroid hormone.


L Tyrosine powder


Amount per serving 0.4g. There are 125 grams in each container. Best taken before food but may be taken with food.


Keep out of reach of children. If symptoms persist consult your health practitioner. Store below 25 degrees Celsius and in a dry place. Does not contain added sugar, lactose, gluten, yeast, salt or artificial colourings or preservatives.

ECOMED ANTIOX C YOUTH Rejuvenator Re-Energiser GEL

This amazing new product contains the equivalent dose of Vitamin C 50g per jar. It is the world's first Vitamin C Gel able to re-energise the body's energy supply via skin application.


Information about Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to have benefits during infection, allergy, lowered immune function, excema and other skin disorders such as hives, rashes Vitamin C is an important cofactor for Collagen production—a fibrous protein which connects and supports other bodily tissues, such as skin, bone, tendons, muscles, and cartilage and blood vessels. Collagen is required for the repair of blood vessels and prevents aging of the cells and which form the blood vessel walls High dose Vitamin C—in adults 10- 30 G daily usually given Intravenously has been used for years in patients with cancer, liver disease , extreme allergies and lowered immune function as it has been shown to boost immune function


Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), glycerine, selenium, essential organic oils.


Apply 5g (1 teaspoon) to the affected area up to 2 times daily 
Dosage applied to the skin should be applied to any area – and can be used as a cosmetic if applied to the face. Some people prefer to rub it on the stomach near to the liver area if the dose is above 5g. Do not take orally.
Try to apply at night as this gel may encourage increase in energy levels.
VITAMIN C- the master essential Antioxidant helps maintain healthy teeth and gum tissue, as well as build the body's natural defences
Vitamin C plays an essential role in the formation of Collagen which connects all living tissue, regulation of blood sugars and cholesterol, prevention of allergies and infections


Testimonials for Vitamin C Gel include:
Stops Itch, Alleviates dry and excoriated skin areas eg rashes , Alleviates sunburn,
Improves youthful appearance of the skin- reducing wrinkles,  bags under eyes and other areas
Improves bruising tendency, heals cuts and skin lesions previously not able to heal


This is an exciting new formula for all ages is designed for topical application
Absorption is very fast – often within a few moments a change can be viewed on the skin. Continued application of up to 4 times daily is recommended to maintain skin health.



Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Demeter certified Olive Oil. Equivalent Vitamin C – 1g per 1 mL of serum.



1 drop 1 to 4 times a day to the affected area of skin



·  Testimonials have shown that Vitamin C Serum has been used by many people for skin health. These include TESTIMONIALS from people with:
Insect bites
Hormone, heat and allergy induced rashes
Solar keratosis
Varicose veins, haemorrhoids & spider nevi (small broken blood vessels on the face)
Wrinkles & fine lines on the face, neck and hands
Skin sag e.g. face neck, upper arms, stomach and upper legs (due to lack of collagen)
Dry nails, nail beds and skin
Inflammatory conditions of ligaments & tendons
Sprains and tears of tendons/ligaments
Repair after sunburned skin










































COPYRIGHT 1-1-2000



NB The Biomor range is protected by International Patent







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COPYRIGHT 1-1-2000
NB The Biomor range is protected by International Patent



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