Zero point energy
Our Aim is to alleviate symptoms by indentification of causative factors and then to PREVENT longterm illness without harmful side effects
Our group of international scientists comprise some of the worlds leading Physicists Health Scientists Biologists with qualifications in Neurotoxicology Microbiology and Health Sciences – Promotion / Prevention/ Medical/ clinical Nutrition
Research and Development has been undertaken for over 2 decades both in physics and biological sciences as well as in the field of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
Experience gained over many decades by our group of experts has given the KNOWLEDGE to formulate BIOMOR medicines and design programs for their use
We put consumer safety first and the effectiveness of our medicines for a wide range of individuals and to alleviate many adverse Health symptoms has been shown to be profound- however ongoing research is always being undertaken to improve our programs further
Since there are NO adverse side effects if taken in accordance with dosage the BIOMOR medicines are indeed worth placing in your medicine shelf!
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